Digital Trends Shaping 2020 Holiday Shopping

| Christine Sullivan

As public health concerns have consumers engaging in more online ordering and a down economy impacts spending, typical habits are out the door. In this holiday shopping season like no other, the way retailers address these trends will determine whether consumers return over the long run. It’s all about data-driven engagement.

6 Ways Fashion Retailers Can Connect with Customers with Stores on Pause

| Jake Chatt

For fashion retailers, the COVID-19 situation presents an assortment of challenges as not only have people’s priorities and needs changed but, for many, shopping for clothing is an inherently in-person activity. Here are 6 ways fashion retailers can connect with customers online while physical shopping is on pause to drive sales.

How JOANN Helps Today’s Crafters Find Their Creative Happy Place

| Drew Chamberlain

Helping crafters find their “happy place” has never mattered more than it does today, when we’re all searching for ways to stay happy and discover new outlets amidst so much uncertainty. To do this, JOANN has evolved its customer service to meet the needs of today’s generation of crafters and makers.

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Amazon Competition, Data Privacy Top 2020 Ecommerce Priorities

| Douglas P. Clement

Competing with Amazon, addressing privacy issues linked to collection of data by third-party technologies and improving site speed to boost sales are top priorities identified in a new study from ecommerce platform provider Yottaa. The report suggests Prime-style free same-day shipping will become widespread among brands in 2020.

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4 Customer Data Problems that Can Impact Your Sales

| Michael Gerard

Advances in AI-based personalization technology let retailers tap into vast amounts of customer data. Analyzing it allows you to create personalized experiences that help secure customer loyalty. However, this exercise requires a clear strategy that should be based on a robust technology platform.

Reshaping the Shopping Experience for the Coming Decade

| MCM Staff

Free On-Demand Webinar: Oracle NetSuite has conducted a survey of shopper expectations and retailer planning, surveying 2,000 consumers and 400 retail execs. Join Art Wittmann, editor of Brainyard and Chris Benner both of Oracle NetSuite for high-level findings and recommendations for retail businesses over the next decade.

How Omnichannel Retail Is Building the Shopping Experience of the Future

| Casey Bullock

With rising demands and increased competition, retailers can capture the attention of digitally saturated consumers through enhanced, experiential shopping, to attract them to both physical and virtual stores. Whether online, mobile or in store, this omnichannel experience has to be consistent, seamless and intuitive.